Ovarian Cancer Symptoms in Early Stages

According to Indian escorts, Ovarian cancer may go undiagnosed for many years without showing up in its presence. Unfortunately, ovarian cancer symptoms tend to be vague, and at present, there is no precise way to diagnose the disease at its early stages. A woman can be diagnosed with the condition when it has reached an advanced stage, by having a pelvic examination, ultrasound, or magnetic resonance imaging scan. A doctor can also undertake blood tests in order to confirm the diagnosis. In certain instances, surgery may be required to remove a tumor. However, this should only be done if there are other diseases of a similar nature.

The first of the ovarian cancer symptoms that may be experienced is the absence of a menstrual period. It is not, however, uncommon for women to still have periods even when suffering from cancer. This is referred to as a functional cyst. There is an increased chance of ovarian cancer becoming malignant in the early stages of the condition when there is an increase in the number of ovarian cancer cells.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is one of the many conditions that can also cause ovarian cancer symptoms. In this case, the ovaries produce more than the normal number of eggs and this usually leads to an imbalance in the production of hormones. This causes an increase in the size of the ovarian cysts, which can cause bloating and weight gain. It is not uncommon for PCOS to be diagnosed at an advanced stage when the chances of it becoming malignant are high.

Irregular menstruation may occur regularly and is another ovarian cancer symptom that may occur at an advanced stage. This occurs when the pituitary gland of the ovary becomes overactive. The excess production of hormones caused by overactivity may also lead to the ovaries releasing eggs regularly and thus resulting in irregular menstrual cycles. This is because the size of the tumors increases making it difficult to regulate the period.

Many women who have ovarian cancer symptoms will experience a change in their skin texture which is known as acne. This occurs because the overproduction of sebum causes the pores to become clogged. There are many women who have severe symptoms but in some cases, the condition can be controlled. The good news is that there are many treatments available that can make life easier for many women.

There are many women who get ovarian cancer symptoms at an early stage and yet the condition may not have spread to any other parts of their body. The symptoms, however, may continue and increase in severity over time. For those women, however, it is important to have regular examinations at regular intervals so as to monitor their condition. Since early stages of ovarian cancer symptoms may not immediately lead to cancer, it is important to get the doctor to diagnose it in order to treat the disease properly. The earlier the condition is detected, the better the chance of eliminating the problem.